99 Dependents

The Wall Street brokers are getting bailed out after investing poorly. The auto manufacturers are getting bailed out even though they can't show how they will ever make money. Idiots that bought more home than they can afford are getting bailed out.

What if we all rebel? What if we all decide to stop paying for these ridiculous decisions that are going to cost our future generations untold billions? I say we should all simply tell the government that we can no longer afford to pay our taxes and therefore will be witholding payment until future notice.

I propose that all Americans go to their employers on January 1, 2009 and file a W4 that declares 99 dependents. By doing so, the revenue will stop. The coffers dry up and the government may actually get the picture that the general public is not going to accept their bailout of every undeserving business on the planet.
