Being Hijacked

The attached article says a Somali pirate washed ashore with $153,000 on his body. The fact that these pirates can continue to hijack ships and demand millions of dollars in ransom makes me wonder what really is the best profession. My measly little income is not really keeping up anymore in the current inflationary economy. Perhaps I could look into something to hijack here in the United States?

On the other hand, I think I've already lost the race. We have all been hijacked by inurance companies and investors pushing the Ponzi scheme formerly known as Wall Street. Hundreds of dollars a month into insurance and another percentage into a 401K that apparently was all invested in imaginary opportunities based on nothing more than smoke and mirrors. Sounds like a Ponzi scheme to me.

Maybe now would be the right time to lose all scruples and do what I'm hearing about on the news. It seems that so many people are realizing that the middle class is getting screwed that the current trend is to quit paying on the mortgage for a few months to qualify for assistance. It's welfare for the upper crust. A bailout for the financially irresponsible snobs that bought more house than they can afford in order to keep up withthe Jones's. Now the only people not getting anything from the government is the hard working and hones middle class of America who actually used common sense and bought within their means and actually are working to pay for the purchase honestly.
Land Of The Free And Home Of The Brave?
More likely Land Of The Scam And Home Of The Crooks.
