Germans offer $3300 Equivalent To New Car Buyers

The attached article comes from an Irish Business News publication and it is quite lengthy. There are many points to consider within the article. The one that caught my interest was the portion that discusses the new $3300 incentive for buyers of new vehicles.
The stipulation with the incentive is that the purchaser must be replacing a vehicle that is at least nine years old. Given that the current average price for a new car in America (varies with source) is approximately $20,000 this is an equivalent of approximately 15% incentive. Combined with current manufacturers incentives, this sounds like a pretty great deal.
The truth is, I do not want to give the failing business's in America, especially the auto manufacturers, any more cash. If they cannot make their business profitable they can use the systems in place, including bankruptcy, to restructure or dissolve. They are not immune to the same challenges that the rest of the business world has to face. They should not be getting money from the taxpayers while the taxpayer get nothing in return. Lets give the money to the people who will buy a vehicle, then allow them to gain the benefit of a new car for the investment.
