Right idea, wrong guy

Most of the time people think I m very anti-Detroit when it comes to the facts about the state of the (former) Big 3. Nothing could be further from the truth.

I sincerely think that the Detroit auto industry is a mainstay in the US economy and needs to be saved at almost any cost. I think that the bailout money, similiar to the money provided to Wall Street, is outside the lines. The auto industry needs to work through a pre-planned Chapter 11 bankruptcy filing to renegotiate the unsustainable contracts and obligations that the industry faces.

In the news over the last few days a few things have become very obvious. The Obama administration is now willing to weild it's new power as the holder of the checkbook. The fact is, "We bought your freedom, now you will do as we say."

In that understanding, when the public cried for a sacrifice, General Motors CEO Rick Wagoner was a perfect candidate. The union bosses will point to him as evil and the fact that the administration relized it will strengthen the union position that they are not to blame for the current crisis. This will prop up the support for the Obama campaign over the next few years and make him dear to the faithful that remain. It also makes unnecessary the need to fire any of the baning guru's that have pilfered and stolen from the public since the public will not recognize the difference between care executive and bank executive, the lust for punishment will now be sated. Obama's contributors from the corporate world are left intact.

Stand tall America, look deep into the eyes of your Premiere - oops - President, and welcome the dawn of the new era. He now controls the fate of corporate America, striking down who he chooses and lifting up those that will benefit him in the future. All in all, a very familiar sounding scenario.
