Hail damage...

I have been reminded that no matter what risk asessments we take and regardless of our preparedness, some things cannot be avoided or planned. Over the weekend our fleet was damaged in one location by a hailstorm. The good news is that we only incurred cosmetic damage to our fleet. The challenge is that it involves approximately twenty vehicles.

photo from weatherunderground.com

Even small hail can be very damaging to a fleet of vehicles. The body damage can very quickly run up high costs, even if it is only in deductible costs involved with the insurance claims.

The National Weather Service puts the estimate for hail damage to property and crops at over $1 Billion anually according to their website http://www.erh.noaa.gov/er/cae/svrwx/hail.htm .

The overall thought is to prepare for what we can, and help the business or organization recover as easily and quickly as possible from the rest. If a catastrophe strikes, make a plan for dealing with it thoroughly. Contact the insurer and get their assistance, as they are more experienced that we are in situations such as this. Follow through with inspectors, claims adjusters, and any other involved parties. Do not let time pass you by as many claims can be denied if not closed in a timely fashion.
