Obama can create 2.5M jobs?

The title link on this posting will take you to today's interesting article on Obama's new plan to create jobs. He and his advisers apparently have discovered the answer that the rest of the American public, government, and academia have been unable to come up with. He has found a way to create 2.5 million jobs.

Hmmm...interestingly, that is the exact same number that many of the "experts" were discussing would be lost if GM were to go belly-up. I wonder ...

In other news, there appears to be an agreement in the works for putting some dates on withdrawal of troops from Iraq. While that is probably a good thing, the skeptic in me wonders how that is suddenly possible now but was not even discussed when Bush was still in the White House. Was he the one holding up the process or was it the desire to make him look bad that kept it from happening?

I don't know, but is smells as politically driven as everything else going on in Washington. It seems to me that the last politician that cared anything for the well being of the common man or the good of the American public at all is long since gone. I sure hope Obama can bring some of that passion back to the White House. I hope at least some of the hype is real.
