We Should Let These Companies Fail

Finally, someone who can express this better than I can. This country is heading down the wrong road. We cannot afford to keep on rescuing these companies that have dug their own hole. If huge bonuses paid out to executives for risky investments arent mismanagement, then I don't know what is.

Our economy is designed to correct itself when we have exceeded the sustainable parameters. We are experiencing a correction. The guru's in Washington think they can fix this, but in reality, this type of "rescue" can not work, has never worked, and will never work. The economy doesn't need to be fixed, it is taking care of that itself. What needs to be fixed is the attitude that we allow our entire national economy to be based on nonexistent equity. The fix needs to be an implementation of ethical control over the financial centers of our country.

Ths is burning money (taxpayer money) that could b better used to create new jobs in repairs to the infrastructure or other growth outside of the self-destructing financial market.
