Electric Not The Answer

After years of listening to the Al Gore rhetoric we finally are seeing someone in the media realize that if we need to charge our cars with electricity, that electricity still needs to be produced somewhere.

Breaking news for all the tree huggers - There are no magical little fairies in the walls of your home that fan their wings really fast to generate the electricty for your car to get to work tomorrow. It still needs to come from a power source. Most of the power sources in the United States still use coal to make the electricity. Since the burning coal is making the electricity there is still a high emissions level asociated with your lovely green car.

Now that we have put to rest the myth that electric cars magically run down the road on fairy power, you can rest easier knowing that you don't need to go spend over $40,000 on a new Chevrolet Volt that you really don't like anyway. Instead, buy a comfortable, practical internal combustion engine-powered vehicle and only drive it when you really need to.

Here are a few sugestions:
Walk the kids to school in the morning instead of packing up the car for that exhausting 3 or 4 blocks.
Post a note on Craigslist for anyone interested in carpooling to work.
Shop for a weeks groceries at a time instead of running to the store every day.
Take turns with the neighbors taking the kids to sports or school events instead of everyone driving.

A little common sense can go a long way.
